Lugar (cerebral) da fala

Sons da fala, de Octavia Butler, tem um argumento explorado no conto Mal do Século (ver em O Irradiador e Outros Contos), uma doença pandêmica que afeta um ponto do cérebro ligado à capacidade linguística dos humanos. A editora Morro Branco gentilmente dispõe o texto da escritora afro-americana em seu Projeto Cápsula. Nota: travamos contato com o conto de Butler post facto.

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ChatGPT describing a story that takes place in the future and tells the adventures of a group of green technicians who operate the Earth Computer — a global network withoutwires, hardware and abstractions — which works by means of a peculiar media ecology comprised of interconnected natural elements. In accordance to drastic technological constrictions resulting from planetary boundaries, the group has to rely solely on unconventional methods, such as electro-crystallizations, alchemical transmutations, crystal radio transmission and biologically-inspired computing (i.e. Slime moulds which can establish protoplasmic networks, acting like an amorphous massively parallel computer, with distributed inputs, or sensors, decentralised information processing and decision-making).
