O Irradiador

UPDATE (16/04): Esparsos leitores, caros fantasmas (apud José Trajano). O rascunho do conto "O Irradiador" (agora no singular) foi retirado do ar por um bom motivo. Está sendo finalizado para ser publicado numa futura revista de ficção científica editada por Fábio Fernandes e Jacques Barcia. O argumento para um segundo conto, de laivo "new weird", já está fechado e em breve virá à tona também. Agradeço a compreensão.

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ChatGPT describing a story that takes place in the future and tells the adventures of a group of green technicians who operate the Earth Computer — a global network withoutwires, hardware and abstractions — which works by means of a peculiar media ecology comprised of interconnected natural elements. In accordance to drastic technological constrictions resulting from planetary boundaries, the group has to rely solely on unconventional methods, such as electro-crystallizations, alchemical transmutations, crystal radio transmission and biologically-inspired computing (i.e. Slime moulds which can establish protoplasmic networks, acting like an amorphous massively parallel computer, with distributed inputs, or sensors, decentralised information processing and decision-making).